Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Choose Avery

Here is a poem I wrote about something that often crosses my mind...Choose LIFE, Choose Avery!

"Choose Avery"

There are many decisions I may regret in life,
But there’s one I haven’t regretted yet.
When I decided to choose Avery,
It’s a moment I’ll never forget.

See some people just don’t realize-
The fate of other’s is not our choice.
They do what makes their own life easy,
Neglecting a life and God’s voice.

It saddens my heart to wonder-
How many Avery’s have been lost?
If these parents knew what I knew,
Would it have all been worth the cost?

Avery was kicking and sucking her thumb
The day they told me she’d die.
I could see her little heart beating,
And all I could do was cry.

Looking at that little screen-
Her face, her toes, and her hands.
I knew that it was up to God,
And I was unaware of His plans.

Miraculously Avery began to heal-
She was born and I heard her cry.
It was the most amazing thing I’d ever heard,
And seemed to happen in the blink of an eye.

While she’s endured an awful lot
in her little time on Earth-
She is the happiest, most fun-loving girl you’ll ever meet,
And has been a blessing since her birth.

I can’t help but feel sad for those
who’ve missed this big chance-
To be a mommy and daddy to such a special little girl-
To hear her laugh, touch her hand, or watch her dance.

You see we don’t know what God knows-
He’s been in control since the beginning.
Who knows what battles He’ll have us lose,
Or which ones he plans on us winning?

It’s all for a greater purpose-
One that we may never understand.
But one can be sure His way is for the best-
He holds the world in the palm of His hand.

There are many decisions I may regret in life,
But there’s one I haven’t regretted yet.
When I decided to choose Avery,
It’s a moment I’ll never forget!

By: Megan Bell

1 comment:

  1. I have felt the same way. Even knowing the "what if's" that are to come, this journey had still been worth every minute of pain. Everytime I get to feel her move, is a moment I get with my sweet little girl. How many of these beautiful little girls dont even get a chance because they are seen as an "inconvenience"?
