From Lindsay Taylor~
My son, Gavin was diagnosed with fetal cystic hygromas (one on each side of his neck, each nearly as large as his head) at a 14-week ultrasound. At 20 weeks, the hygromas had completely resolved, but we were told there was a 75% or greater chance that he had Down's syndrome (since he was a male and therefore couldn't have Turner's) due to the hygromas and other Down's markers that were positive. We were encouraged to consider abortion but went ahead with an amnio & found out that his chromosomes were completely normal. We were still told that he could develop hydrops, possibly leading to organ failure and death. At around 30 weeks, it was discovered that I had low fluid (olighydramnios), which is associated with hydrops. We had to have serial Level II ultrasounds and fetal nonstress testing for the remainder of the pregnancy. Our son was born on July 16, 2007, COMPLETELY NORMAL AND PERFECT with NO signs whatsoever that anything was ever wrong. He is 4 years old now and is the absolute light of our life. I am horrified when I think that my doctor thought abortion was the best choice for us. If you receive this diagnosis, have hope. Don't give up on your baby until you have definite answers.
From Jenny Walker~
My son Kieron was born in November 1993, he had a large Cystic Hygrome on both sides of his neck, floor of his mouth & tongue involvement, when he was 15 months old he had a Tracky inserted for his airway, around 2 1/2 doctors told us that if he didn't have surgery to reduce the swelling around his neck and airway & the Hygroma grew he wouldn't have an airway left, he has 10 1/2 hours of surgery (de-bulking) 2 weeks before his 3rd birthday, tracky was removed 3 months later after laser surgery on his airway, Kieron hasn't looked back since. He plays hockey at a representative level, he is in year 12 at school, will be 18 in November this year. We have always treated him as any normal child, wouldn't ever wrap him in cotton, we let him live a normal life as possible. Kieron has alway's been a happy child and as he has gotten older has developed a very quick wit and is very funny at time. Hope my short history of Kieron can give hope to other children with Cystic Hygrome.....
From Cari Brooks-Allen~
Hi!! I want to share my story. I have a healthy 3 year old girl, then had 2 miscarriages (due to genetics), and a healthy pregnacy, but a 3 mo old girl with a cystic hygroma. Hers is under her arm. I just want everyone to know there can be a miracle and these babies can be born. At my 20 week ultrasound the tech couldn't get good pics of the heart, so they did a routine US at my next appt. 24 week US showed that there was fluid under the baby's arm. My mid-wife reffered me to a specialist, she had never seen this before. A week later I got to see the specialist, he said it was a cystic hygroma and then told me the sex of the baby, A Girl. (we wanted to be surpised) but due to the chance of Turner's Sydrome he told us. I was worried, but did research on both conditions. Very depressing, although the Dr never told us about her not surviving. I just looked on through all the bad things on the internet, and figured it was just for severe cases, and not for me. I went on having a perfect pregnancy, extra ultrasounds, and Cardio appts. Just a busy pregnancy. Had a perfect birth and a perfect baby. She does have the cystic hygroma, but is otherwise healthy, no chromosomal abnormalities. She had an MRI at 4 weeks old, and all went well. She will have surgery when she is 6-8 months old. We are just takig the time before that to enjoy the summer.
I just am very happy that I am blessed with such a miracle baby, as I did not know the stats about cystic hygromas and the survival of the pregnancy. I am vey greatful!!!
We hope Cross Healed Hearts provides encouragement and hope for those affected by Fetal Cystic Hygroma, Congenital Heart Defects, Turner Syndrome, and other medical difficulties.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
In Memory of Sadie Robin
When Sadie was born, I remember thinking how much she reminded me of my little Avery. She had gorgeous red hair and looked like an angel on earth! The Johnson family was able to spend precious time with little Sadie in the hospital, and then had to let her go to be with our Lord and Maker. While her passing is more than many of us could bear, mother, Jessica, has continually praised the Lord and declared his glory in the midst of her storm. She has been an inspiration to us TS mommies and many others- the Lord has instilled such a strength in her while surrounding her with His presence. Please pray for this family in their loss, but praise the Lord for Heaven's gain. The segment below was taken from a blog written by Sadie's mother, Jessica. Jessica is always so eloquently spoken in her writing, and in this post is something I feel should be shared again. Hopefully, Jessica won't mind me stealing it from her blog. To read more about this family and their journey, please go to ♥Megan
Sadie Robin Johnson was born on July 28, 2011, and went home to Heaven on August 18, 2011. She had Turners 45X, a blocked kidney, coarctation of the aorta and hypoplastic left heart. Most importantly, she was the sweetest and most beautiful baby girl ever!!!
He is still Holy.
While I was on bed rest this summer, I would look out the window and long to be out working in my garden. I love to watch everything grow and then pick fresh vegetables to fix for dinner. There is such a joy and sense of satisfaction! Yet, this summer, it seems the Lord was doing a more important work of nurturing seeds that He had planted in my heart. It is as if the Lord has had me in school for the past year, especially the last month. Even though I majored in Biblical Studies in college, these lessons cannot be learned by sitting in a classroom. They are lessons that are only taught through living, through suffering and brokenness. These are lessons of faith, trust, hope, and love in Christ. But one of the lessons I have been learning most recently is how much God hates self-pity.
I took the gift from out His hand but as I would depart I cried, "Lord, this is a thorn and it has pierced my heart. This is a strange and hurtful gift which Thou hast given me."
He takes the thorn to pin aside the veil that hides His Face. –Martha Nicholson
It has been a month since the passing of my sweet little Sadie bug and this is the first time that I have written since. I’m not sure how a month has passed already. Sometimes I feel as though part of me is still in that room that had become my home in the NICU. At times, days would pass when I didn’t leave that room, much less go outside. For three weeks the majority of my time was spent in “the big green chair” snuggling with my little lady. It is amazing how hours can go by examining every little inch, being in awe of each, wrinkle, yawn, and smile. I wanted so much to be able to stop time, yet it seems as though the arms of the clock sped in circles. Isn’t it interesting that when you are in a hurry, time creeps by and when you want time to stand still, it seems to speed up?
While I was on bed rest this summer, I would look out the window and long to be out working in my garden. I love to watch everything grow and then pick fresh vegetables to fix for dinner. There is such a joy and sense of satisfaction! Yet, this summer, it seems the Lord was doing a more important work of nurturing seeds that He had planted in my heart. It is as if the Lord has had me in school for the past year, especially the last month. Even though I majored in Biblical Studies in college, these lessons cannot be learned by sitting in a classroom. They are lessons that are only taught through living, through suffering and brokenness. These are lessons of faith, trust, hope, and love in Christ. But one of the lessons I have been learning most recently is how much God hates self-pity.
Over the last month since losing Sadie, I have felt the Lord carry me and honestly there have been times when I felt as though I were being treated cruelly. I have, in agony, I asked the Lord, “Why me? As there are women all around me having babies, little girls, why do they get to keep their babies and I don’t? I have cried myself to sleep and thrown temper tantrums sobbing, “I want my way. I want my baby. I don’t want to do this anymore.” I have looked back on my life and the many tragedies it has seen, losing my sister, my mother, and my papa, all in very sad circumstances. The consequences of my own sin have caused me to live through things that many never have to experience. The realities of this world and sin have affected every time and area of my life. Through my sorrow over the last weeks I have asked the Lord, “Isn’t that enough? Must I lose my baby too? I feel as though You are crushing me. People have tragedies in their life, but why must I endure so many?” In the midst of these tears, the Lord very firmly, yet tenderly began to answer through His Word. He brought to mind the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 11, when he recounted the number of times he had been beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, flogged, hungry, thirsty, in danger, and left for dead. In his writings, Paul speaks of his own weakness, yet boasts in Christ. We are weak. I am weak. But it is through our weaknesses that Christ’s strength can be seen. Throughout this journey, there have been a couple of times when I have felt that the Holy Spirit was undeniably pressing something upon my heart. I say this carefully and reverently. One of these times was when we were first told that we would never give birth to a living child. That day I felt the Lord beckoning me to jump freely into His will, trusting wholeheartedly and that He would not, nor could not fail me. The second time was after one of these tantrums. After the Lord so graciously reminded me of the words of Paul, I began to feel like Job when the Lord had answered him, “Who darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?” I felt so clearly that the Lord firmly impressed, Do you think I did not love my servant Paul? Was I being cruel to him? What do you want? What do you really want? Do you want Me or do you want your comfortable life? Do you want your nice house, nice car, nice job, nice, neat, and comfortable life or DO YOU WANT ME? As I sobbed, “you know Lord, I want you.” Then what are you doing on the floor? Do you not know that you are in a battle? Why are you laying there getting defeated? Get up and fight! “Don’t throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. You have a need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what is promised” (Hebrews 10)… ME! I am your reward, I am your inheritance. I AM. “My righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him.” Woah…..what was that last part? If he shrinks back I have no pleasure in him? But doesn’t this seem like the time when I should get a break? When my heart is crushed and I am broken beyond understanding? If there were a time to be full of self-pity, it would be now, right? No one would blame me… except the Lord. As believers, there is never a time to swim in self pity, or even nurture those thoughts. Not when Christ endured death and wrath on our behalf. But there is a time to fight. There is a time to wield our sword. Sometimes we are unaware of the war. Sometimes it seems as though we are just coasting through life, but in reality as long as we are on this earth, the war never ends. We can have peace and joy in the midst, but we are always to be on guard and ready. We must know how to use our sword so that when the battle comes we aren’t unprepared and defeated. We will lose battles, but we enter a war where the outcome has already been determined. There is no reason to just lay there and be defeated. In fact the verse I quoted earlier in Hebrews tells us that not only is there no reason to shrink back, but the Lord will take no pleasure in the one who does. We are called to fight. Never have I been more aware of the battle than now. This is not just a lesson for me, it is a lesson for you. Our answer is to be, “We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed. But of those who have faith and preserve their souls.”
The Lord does not “take it easy” on us, even when we want Him to, even when we think He should. He is Mercy and He is kind, compassionate, and patient. But that doesn’t in any way mean that He is pleased when we wallow in self pity. He hates it, it is sin that must be repented of. Christ drank of a bitter cup that we will never taste, what do you have to complain about? We must get over ourselves and look to Christ. What complaints do we have to bring to the Throne of God? The book of Job is a perfect example. Look at all he endured. He lost everything: his loved ones, his livelihood, and his health. There was no part of his life that was untouched. And his friends were of no encouragement whatsoever. They didn’t come around and bear his burden with him, they chastised him. In the world’s eyes, Job would have every reason to complain. Yet when he speaks to the Lord, the Lord responds with, “Who is this that darkens my counsel with words without knowledge?” Shouldn’t this be where God gives Job a break? Gives him a self-help book? Maybe a nice little encouraging speech about how sorry He is for Job? What about the many other “tragedies” in Scripture? And if God’s response does not resemble what we think it should, does it mean that He loves us any less or that He doesn’t care about what we are going through? That He is heartless or unfeeling? No! It means that He loves us enough to see past the pain to the treasures that it brings forth. It means that He loves us enough to not allow us to wallow and be defeated. It means that His desire is that we know Him. He endured more than we could ever imagine when He took upon Himself the pain and punishment for our sin. The greatest tragedy of all history is that the pure, spotless Son of God died on a cross meant for sinners. Yet it pleased God. He did it for us. He won the battle for us. He has graced us with every tool that we need for battle and He has sent His Holy Spirit to guide, teach, and train us. We have no reason to complain. But we must take our eyes off ourselves. We must look to Christ. We must fight. When we get knocked down, and we will, we must get back up. It is in our weakness that God’s strength is manifested. I was listening to a sermon a few days after Sadie passed away. In it, the preacher said when you say, “I can’t do this, I can’t endure this”, we are not trusting in God, but in ourselves. However there is a great freedom in realizing that “No, we can’t do this, we can’t do anything.” We don’t have to be overwhelmed, we can be set free. We can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t endure the loss of my daughter. I can’t endure this pain. I can’t win this battle. But Christ has already carried this burden for me. I am free. The Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is as faithful this day as the day that we found out we were having a baby. He is as faithful as the day that Sadie was born and we heard her first cry. He could have healed her. He didn’t. He could have allowed her to live. He didn’t. That does not change who He is. He is faithful.
The way in which Sadie passed was not easy. The last few days of her life were hard, for her and for us. But when the Lord took her, it was one of the most beautiful moments of my life. I have never experienced the nearness of the Lord in such a way. There was an overwhelming joy and peace as He took her from my arms into His. I will never forget that moment. And though it may be hard to understand, it was not a tragic, it was beautiful. Since then, I have had many painful moments that seemed to be lacking peace and joy. My heart has been ripped in two. But the tragedy would be to allow Satan to steal the treasures of this trial. It would be to allow sin to rob God’s glory by wallowing in self. Please don’t misunderstand me. The Lord is compassionate to me in every single moment. He empathizes with my pain, He understands losing a child. He holds me and comforts me. There is not a tear that goes unnoticed. He is tender and kind. He envelopes me in His Spirit. I am never alone for a minute. He desires that we bring our pain and hurt to Him. Pain is real and we aren’t to act as if it isn’t. We aren’t to be fake and pretend like we are made of steel. We aren’t to be stoic statues. We aren’t even to act as though we have it all together or even as if we understand everything. But we are to act as though we serve a God who does. We serve a Mighty and Sovereign Lord, who through His great love is firm with us. We are to act as though we truly believe what we profess. Do we really believe that He is the sovereign, omnipotent Savior? Do we truly believe that He is trustworthy? Do we believe that His Word and His promises are true? Then we must act like it. His glory is what we live and die for.
There are many things that have been crucified in me over the last months and I am so grateful. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is a beautiful and divine purpose to losing Sadie. I know that He will use each and every tear to shape and mold me. After all, I asked Him for this. On my knees, I have cried to the Lord to do whatever necessary to get glory from my life and make me look like Him. And though I know that in a sense, the pain of this journey will never go away, that it truly is for my good and for His glory. I will trust in Him and through His grace, I will rest in His promises, come what may. He did not withhold His Son for me and I cannot withhold my all from Him! I am learning to “rejoice in the fellowship of His suffering”. I am His and He is mine. Oh how He loves us! How beautiful and marvelous He is! He is good and worthy of our lives, of our all! His burden is not heavy. In Him is peace and joy and fullness of life. "In His presence is fullness of joy and at His right Hand are pleasures forevermore." He is still Holy.
I stood a mendicant (beggar) of God before His royal Throne; and begged Him for one priceless gift which I could call my own.I took the gift from out His hand but as I would depart I cried, "Lord, this is a thorn and it has pierced my heart. This is a strange and hurtful gift which Thou hast given me."
He said, "My child, I give good gifts and I gave My best to Thee." I took it home and though at first the cruel thorn hurt sore; as long years past I learned at last to love it more and more. I learned He never gives a thorn without this added grace-
~Jessica Johnson
Saturday, October 15, 2011
in Remembrance...
Remembering all of the babies who have lost their lives and the families who are in mourning. Praying for all of you, and praising God for HE is in control. ♥
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
In Memory of Evelyn Elaine
The following is Courtney Eastepps story which happened very recently. She asked me to excuse her rambling, and I am just in awe of her strength in being able to write this. Please be in prayer for Courtney and her family through this time. While we know they are in pain, we also know that the Ultimate Comforter has His hands on them, and will heal their hearts in His time. Thank you for wanting to share Evelyn's story, for choosing life, and for trusting God through it all, Courtney.
♥ M.B. Evelyn's Story
I lost my sweet Evelyn Elaine when I was 24.5 weeks pregnant. She was my first baby, and was born October 4, 2011.
My husband and I started trying to get pregnant soon after we were married. We were lucky, we got pregnant within two weeks if all my dates were correct. I had my first prenatal appointment at 12 weeks. It was so exciting at first, but I could tell my doctor wasn't as excited. I started crying before he said anything. He left the ultrasound room and told us to come to his office after I was cleaned up. He told us he believed our baby had a Cystic Hygroma and possible fluid in the abdomen, but assured us his U/S equipment was old and sent us 3 hours away for a higher U/S and CVS (earlier version of an Amnio). The ultrasound confirmed the hygroma and hydrops.
A week later, we received our CVS results. We were having a little girl, and she had full Turner Syndrome. We were advised to terminate, but my husband and I could never stop a heart, no matter how small.
At 18 weeks we had an anatomy scan. It reviled that our little girl was severally affected by the missing chromosome. The hygroma was much bigger, she was missing multiple organs and others did not develop properly. They gave her a week.
During my pregnancy, my husband received new orders and we moved 3000 miles away. The new doctor (who I picked before our anatomy scan) was high risk associated with a very high level NICU, I wasn't sure what to expect... But I can say now, he's probably the best doctor I'll ever have. A very Christian man, and the only one who didn't shove termination down our throats. He also had great nurses.
My new doctor sent me to another doctor to confirm our previous findings. It was again confirmed, but this time we were given 2 weeks.
My new doctor also set me up with a support group at the hospital who did amazing things for us. Pictures from her birth, momentous, even a bear with her heartbeat placed inside.
Thursday, September 29, 2011 I hadn't felt my sweet baby move in several days. I was 23w6d. I pulled out my Doppler, and there she was.. But I knew it wouldn't be long. I felt one last kick after that day. Monday, October 3, 2011 I pulled out the Doppler again. Nothing. I called my doctor who had me come in, and he confirmed it by ultrasound. I was induced at 1pm. 32 hours later my baby was born.
We have had her cremated and when my husband and I die, she will be buried between us.
~Courtney Eastepp
Sunday, October 9, 2011
In Memory of Emily Ann Temple
There is a Baby Loss Awareness Campaign going on in the U.K. this week. While I am sure there is something similar in the U.S., I felt moved to spread a bit of awareness in honor of some precious angels associated with CHH. Join us on October 15 at 7:00 P.M. by lighting a candle for one hour in memory and honor of all of the precious babies who are now in Heaven with our Heavenly Father.
Below is the story of Emily, who earned her angel wings on New Year's Day in 2009. Emily's mother, Jennifer, has a daughter Erika, and went on to have another daughter, Emma, recently who has Turner Syndrome. While the Temple family has been through an awful lot, God has been faithful and carried them through. Please lift this family up to the Lord upon reading this post. A very special thank you to Jennifer for sharing, as we know it must be extremely difficult. ♥M
Emily's Story
My sweet Emily Ann Temple’s heart gave out when I was 28 weeks pregnant. She was delivered at 29 weeks on January 1, 2009, after a week of induction process.
At week 14 during that first ultrasound that I had it that showed the severe hydrops and hygroma that she had acquired. We had the normal tests of amniocentesis and blood work to try to obtain answers. Our regular OB also performed an ultrasound on the baby’s heart but was clear he was not a specialist in that area and it was very early but he did think he detected something wrong.
It was about week 18 when we were sent to the cardiologist after obtaining results that amniocentesis and blood work were negative for chromosome issues. It was during this appointment that we got the devastating news that our sweet Emily would not make it here on earth alive. We were given our options and we decided we would continue the pregnancy as there was never a thought not too. You see she had some long technical name CHD that I don’t remember as I was so distraught that I didn’t take close enough note of it and also I knew there was 0% survival, no surgery that could be done while pregnant or after. I just know Emily only had 1 ventricle and 1 atrium and it was a complete AV block.
I asked and was willing to do and pay for any experimental treatment that would at least give Emily a chance for survival, there was nothing that anyone could do.
I will not say that waiting 10 weeks in the knowledge that Emily was going to pass was easy as it was not. It was one of the hardest things that I had to endure. It was doubly heart breaking as Emily was an active baby right until the end and I felt every move and kick that she provided to show her mommy she was still with her. I know the moment that she passed as it was Christmas morning and I had the most vivid dream (I normally don’t remember my dreams). I dreamed that I saw Emily being baptized in water. It was a very peaceful thing so I know it was not like she was drowning or anything, definitely like a baptism. I never felt her after that. Since it was a holiday I decided to wait until the Monday when they opened. Sure enough she had passed and we started the process for Emily to be delivered. Emily Ann Temple was born January 1, 2009, and had a grave side service that I had the poem, “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep” as to me this represents my Emily to me now. She is always with me, my own special angel.
I then went on to get pregnant again only to miscarry on May 20, 2010. I was 9 weeks pregnant at that time, so there was no testing or determination that could be done to find out why.
I can conclude to say the Lord blessed me with Emma Rayne Temple on June 25, 2011, after being told she also would not make it. She has Turner Syndrome with bicuspid aortic heart valve, but thankfully to date that is all she has. She is joined at home with her older sister Erika Shae Temple who was born January 5, 2008, with no health complications during or after my pregnancy.
~Jennifer Temple
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Brooklyn Aurora Hall, One of God's Precious Angels
This special angel and I share a birthday. While I never met her in person, her picture brought a smile to my face so many times. Around the time of her birth, a few other babies connected to Cross Healed Hearts were born, and I remember just feeling so blessed to know those families and experience more of God's healing and power. Brooklyn's life may have been brief, but it was filled with a purpose so powerful that it is beyond our comprehension. She has impacted the lives of many, and will be so dearly missed. I am excited for the day I am able to meet her in Heaven! R.I.P Brooklyn Aurora. May your family be blessed with the comfort and love of our heavenly Father through this difficult time. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. The following is Brooklyn's obituary which was published in the Burlington Free Press today. If you would like to help this family with your financial support to help with funeral arrangements, please see the information in the obituary. ♥Megan B.
BROOKLYN AURORA HALL -WINOOSKI - Brooklyn Aurora Hall, 3 months, passed away peacefully at home on Sept. 30, 2011, after losing her battle to Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, a severe congenital heart defect. Brooklyn also carried the diagnosis of Turner's Syndrome; a rare chromosomal disorder. Brooklyn (a.k.a. "Brookie Cookie") was born on June 20, 2011, in Boston, Mass., beloved daughter of Jason Hall and Jennifer Andrews. Brooklyn underwent open heart surgery at just three days old and spent her short life fighting and defying all odds. She was truly a miracle child who impacted the many lives she touched despite only blessing this Earth for such a short time. She was a very happy little girl, known by many, and loved by all. Besides her parents, Brooklyn was survived by her siblings: Destiny, Avory, Jakob, Dominick, and Nevaeh; paternal grandparents, Antonietta and Hippolito Dumeng; step-grandparents, J. Brian Whitehouse and his wife Charlene; great- grandmothers, Nancy Hall and Shirley Paule. Her loving uncles; Brian Hall, Christopher Hall and his wife Cynthia, David Mead and his wife Christine, Carl Andrews and his wife Heather, Jay Paul Whitehouse, Jeffrey Andrews Jr., Mark Andrews and her aunt Candace Whitehouse. She is also survived by many greataunts, great-uncles, cousins and close family friends who loved her dearly. Brooklyn was predeceased by her maternal grandparents, Carlene Mead and Jeffrey Andrews. A graveside service will be held on Oct. 22, 2011 at 10 a.m. at St. Ann's Cemetery in Milton. There will be a celebration of Brooklyn's life immediately following the service. In lieu of flowers please consider donating in Brooklyn's memory to help offset costs for her family. Please make checks payable to Amy Lumsden at 204 Meadow Ridge Lane, Georgia, Vt. 05468, or visit The family would like to extend a special thank you to the Winooski Police Department for their assistance as well as Amy Lumsden for all of her support. The arrangements have been provided by Stephen C. Gregory & Son Cremation Service, whom the family would like to recognize for going above and beyond the call of duty, words are not enough to thank Stephen for all he has done for us.
Published in The Burlington Free Press on October 6, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Shop and Help Out CHH!
FABS AND MORE will donate 15% of all fabric sales to Cross Healed Hearts this month!
An extremely HUGE thank you to Mrs. Judy Busby, owner of Fabs and More, for being so very generous. I was shocked to see her post this the other day, and feel so honored that someone would want to help out CHH in such a big way. Judy already sells us fabric and supplies at a discounted rate, and has donated fabric to the cause as well. She has agreed to allow customers to purchase fabric for our heart pillows at a discounted rate to donate for Blair E. Batson Children's Hospital. You don't even have to live in this area to help out- Judy will send a PayPal invoice to you for donations, and we can pick the fabric up at the store! Thank you to everyone who helps out CHH this month by shopping at Fabs and More! God bless you Judy for ALL you do for this ministry!

Fabs and More is not your ordinary fabric store. They custom design gifts and baby items. They also upholster and offer innovative window treatments for every room in your home. Pictured above is an adorable baby gift for your next shower! My daughter loves her animal snuggie blanket which was given to her by a great friend before her last heart surgery! Check out Fabs and More on Facebook to see lots of other ideas!
Judy has Halloween treat bags for your trick-or-treater!
Fabs and More is located at 1106 Washington Street, Downtown Vicksburg, MS 39180
You may also contact Judy at 601-636-0510!
I was reading this blog several weeks ago and was so moved by the stories. Many parents are finding the support they need thru this ministry. I just wanted to help raise awareness for Cross Healed Hearts- what an awesome God we serve. It is amazing what prayers can do!
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