Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In Memory of Evelyn Elaine

The following is Courtney Eastepps story which happened very recently. She asked me to excuse her rambling, and I am just in awe of her strength in being able to write this. Please be in prayer for Courtney and her family through this time. While we know they are in pain, we also know that the Ultimate Comforter has His hands on them, and will heal their hearts in His time. Thank you for wanting to share Evelyn's story, for choosing life, and for trusting God through it all, Courtney.
♥ M.B.

Evelyn's Story

I lost my sweet Evelyn Elaine when I was 24.5 weeks pregnant. She was my first baby, and was born October 4, 2011.
My husband and I started trying to get pregnant soon after we were married. We were lucky, we got pregnant within two weeks if all my dates were correct. I had my first prenatal appointment at 12 weeks. It was so exciting at first, but I could tell my doctor wasn't as excited. I started crying before he said anything. He left the ultrasound room and told us to come to his office after I was cleaned up. He told us he believed our baby had a Cystic Hygroma and possible fluid in the abdomen, but assured us his U/S equipment was old and sent us 3 hours away for a higher U/S and CVS (earlier version of an Amnio). The ultrasound confirmed the hygroma and hydrops.

A week later, we received our CVS results. We were having a little girl, and she had full Turner Syndrome. We were advised to terminate, but my husband and I could never stop a heart, no matter how small.

At 18 weeks we had an anatomy scan. It reviled that our little girl was severally affected by the missing chromosome. The hygroma was much bigger, she was missing multiple organs and others did not develop properly. They gave her a week.

During my pregnancy, my husband received new orders and we moved 3000 miles away. The new doctor (who I picked before our anatomy scan) was high risk associated with a very high level NICU, I wasn't sure what to expect... But I can say now, he's probably the best doctor I'll ever have. A very Christian man, and the only one who didn't shove termination down our throats. He also had great nurses.

My new doctor sent me to another doctor to confirm our previous findings. It was again confirmed, but this time we were given 2 weeks.

My new doctor also set me up with a support group at the hospital who did amazing things for us. Pictures from her birth, momentous, even a bear with her heartbeat placed inside.

Thursday, September 29, 2011 I hadn't felt my sweet baby move in several days. I was 23w6d. I pulled out my Doppler, and there she was.. But I knew it wouldn't be long. I felt one last kick after that day. Monday, October 3, 2011 I pulled out the Doppler again. Nothing. I called my doctor who had me come in, and he confirmed it by ultrasound. I was induced at 1pm. 32 hours later my baby was born.

We have had her cremated and when my husband and I die, she will be buried between us.

~Courtney Eastepp

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