Sunday, March 20, 2011

Reverse ♥

Son of man, speak to Israel. Tell them, 'You've said, "Our rebellions and sins are weighing us down. We're wasting away. How can we go on living?" 'Tell them, 'As sure as I am the living God, I take no pleasure from the death of the wicked. I want the wicked to change their ways and live. Turn your life around! Reverse your evil ways! Why Die, Israel?' Ezekiel 33.10-11

God loves us more than we can understand. He created us for purposes that we sometimes neglect. He calls us to move, not to sit and live in our own little worlds with our own agendas. The beauty of it all is that you, just normal, every day you, are capable of doing amazing things you never dreamed you'd do when you allow him to use you. Sin weighs us down, and keeps us from living the life he has planned for us. It is so difficult to remain separated from this world and its views, but it is possible. The life he has planned may not be the life we've envisioned for ourselves, but it is so much bigger and more amazing than our own selfish missions. While he will allow us to perish, he surely doesn't want us to. We are his creation!
He's trying to tell you that he loves you today, but along with his expression of love, he's asking you to follow him. Following him requires that you work on a relationship with him, and really change your life. Simply saying you know Jesus and feeling as if you are a good person is not enough. As hard as it is for some of us, he requires surrender. You must come to him broken- we are all broken and powerless after all. To truly know Him is to love him, and when you love someone, you spend time with them and learn as much as you can about them. None of us are good enough or perfect enough to deserve what he has to offer, but that's why he sacrificed himself- that we may be free and that we may be saved! I quote from one of my favorite songs, "Don't you know who you are- what has been done for you?" You are MORE- let Jesus remake you today. You'll soon figure out that you've been missing out, and you'll find true joy and true peace in life, which is priceless. Don't die- reverse! ♥

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