Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Special Prayers

Here are a few people I've been praying for lately. I wanted to share their circumstances on this blog in hopes that those that come across it will lift them up with me! 
I Thessalonians 5:17 Never stop praying. 

 Mommy, Deedra, is carrying Baby Sadie Rae. Sadie has been prenatally diagnosed with congenital heart defects: Aortic Valve Stenosis and Stenotic Dilation of the Ascending Aorta. and has been trying to make an early appearance! Please keep them in your prayers for healing and for Sadie to continue to grow and develop in Mommy's tummy as long as she needs to.

You can follow Sadie Rae and her mommy on Facebook using this link...

A coworker friend of mine requested prayers for little Ryan. What struck me immediately about him is that he is the same age as my baby boy, Bryce. Ryan is a happy baby who always carries a sweet smile in his pictures, just like my Bryce does. I can't imagine what his parents are going through right now. Ryan was diagnosed with Leukemia (AML) at only 5 and half months old in June. He just finished his first chemo treatment (mostly with smiles) and has been battling a fever and various other things since. Ryan's family has shirts for sale if you would like to purchase one to help this family. Please pray for healing, comfort, and remission for this child and family! 

You can follow Ryan on Facebook using this link...

It's funny how you become connected to people. Felicia was my dad's nurse through his radiation treatment, and it turns out she is one of my coworker/friend's sister in law. Felicia has two very young children and is battling leukemia. She has spent a lot of time at MD Anderson away from her family, and will be continuing treatment involving a stem cell transplant soon. Thankfully, Felicia was able to come home recently to celebrate her youngest daughter's first birthday! God is great! Please pray for healing, comfort, and remission for this sweet lady and her family. 

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