Shirts= $20 each + $3 for shipping!
It's time for what will now be our annual t-shirt fundraiser! The shirts will be in the color shown above. The larger logo will be on the back of the shirts, and the smaller logo is in the front pocket area. For now, I am only taking orders for youth and adult short-sleeve shirts. I am waiting on confirmation and pricing info. on toddler sizes and long-sleeve, but will post that as soon as possible.
Simply message me at crosshealedhearts@yahoo.com, or post on my wall (or send a message) on Facebook if you'd like to order. If you need your shirt(s) shipped, please also send your mailing address.
Profits from this sale support the...
"Heart Pillows and Blankets for Batson Project"
A team of lovely ladies volunteer to create heart "cough" pillows for pediatric heart patients at Blair E. Batson Children's Hospital in Jackson, MS. The children receive these pillows after heart surgery in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Not only do these pillows provide comfort as they use them for coughing in recovery (which is necessary to prevent pneumonia), they are also a token of our love, support, and prayers that become a keepsake as visitors, doctors, and other medical staff sign the back side for patients. Sharpie markers are also supplied by us for signing. One side of the pillows is made of a ultra-soft "minky" fabric, while the other is made of red cotton twill. Materials are sold to CHH at a discounted rate by Judy Busby at Fabs and More in downtown Vicksburg, MS. We also create fleece tie-knot blankets for infant patients and pregnant mothers carrying "heart" babies at Batson.

This is my little miracle girl, Avery, modeling with her heart pillow.
They are given with a Sharpie marker.

Here is an example of one of the blankets.

Aside from the hospital ministry, Cross Healed Hearts applique pillow cases are made by Linda Turner. We purchase small pillow inserts for these pillows, and ship them across the U.S. to children we come in contact with who are living with medical difficulty.
Modeling with this special pillow is miracle girl, Juliana, who lives in Michigan.

As you can see Cross Healed Hearts is much more than an informative and inspirational blog- we strive to bring the love of Christ to those who are suffering. As a mother who has been through the mental and emotional distress of fetal cystic hygroma, Turner Syndrome, and Congenital Heart Defects, my hope is for others to understand that God loves them and they are not alone in their struggles. I also hope to bring hope in knowing that parents and children can both become healed, whether in life or in death, and that God has a specific purpose for each and every one of us regardless of the outcome in our own personal situations.

If you wouldn't like a shirt, but will still like to support this ministry, fabric donations can be made at Fabs and More, and we sell hair clips at Willingham's in downtown Vicksburg and at Private Collections in Madison, MS for the same cause.
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