Avery- testing out the pillows!
The inspiration behind Cross Healed Hearts!
Cooper- being cute!
Heart "Cough" Pillows for Blair E. Batson Children's Hospital PICU Heart Patients!
My mother, Laura Beauman, worked so hard to help this week (as she always does). She cut out pillows, delivered some to be sewn, sewed some herself- she goes above and beyond to help me with this ministry. I couldn't do this without her- thanks Mom, I love you!
Ms. Barbara Willingham, of Willingham's in downtown Vicksburg, always lends a helping hand! She has such a big heart, and I'm very thankful for all of her love and support! Make sure you all stop by her store to see all of her 'pretties.' Thank you Barbara!!
My sis-in-law, Rebecca Beauman, came again to help us out. Thank you, Rebecca, for loving us and taking time out to work on these pillows!
Last but certainly not least, is Ms. Judy Simmons. Judy is always there to help, and has such a giving heart. Not to mention, she usually comes armed with sweets (although not today because she was out of butter)! Thank you for all that you do for us Judy!
Mrs. Pat Hartley joined our efforts this week, and sewed for the cause- Mrs. Pat, we love you and appreciate all of your help! Thank you for always loving us and praying for us!
Although she couldn't make it to stuff today, Mrs. Linda Turner took time out of her busy week, and sewed pillows at the last minute. She goes above and beyond to help, and is always there when I need something.
Mrs. Linda lives just down the road from my parents, however, the bridge between their streets, is closed down to be replaced. Linda brought applique pillows to my mom's house several weeks ago, and had to drive out of her way to get there. To pick up heart pillows this week, my mom and Linda met at the bridge- you can see the pics below. They were both dressed from work- now that is what I call dedication!

I'd also like to thank Judy Busby of Fabs and More in downtown Vicksburg for giving us discounted fabric and support. God bless each and everyone of you who donate Sharpies, pray, and help with this ministry in ANY way. You'll never know just how much it means to me and those who are touched by Cross Healed Hearts!
People are always commenting on how great it is that I do this. The truth is, I don't do very much, and I don't expect the recognition. The ladies above, along with many others who donate, contribute to fundraisers, and pray for this ministry and those on our prayer list- they are the ones who deserve credit. Above all else, God deserves the most praise. He is the one who makes things possible, and He is the one who blessed me with Avery, urged me to begin the Cross Healed Hearts journey, and has continually made things happen along the way. All of this for the sake that others may be comforted by Him, and come to know Him and depend on Him more.
Be sure to check out our upcoming posts about the CHH T-shirt Fundraiser! Our funds have been used, so this will help us to purchase more materials to keep up with the demand. I was told this week that approximately 5 pediatric heart surgeries are being performed weekly at Batson. We will need to supply almost double the amount of pillows, so we need your help!
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